Blog Type: Product Design & Development | MAKO Design + Invent

BLOG CATEGORY: Product Design & Development

MAKO’s Sr. Mechanical Engineer is a 2021 Designer of the Year Finalist

MAKO’s Sr. Mechanical Engineer is a 2021 Designer of the Year Finalist

Mako Design + Invent
July 12, 2021

Congratulations to our Senior Mechanical Engineer, Demsey Kirkwood! Demsey was recently named a finalist for Western Living Magazine’s 2021 Designers of the Year award competition. Western Living Magazine is an... Read More

Mako Design + Invent
July 12, 2021
Beautifully Designed Products to Spruce Up Your Home Office Part II

Beautifully Designed Products to Spruce Up Your Home Office Part II

Mako Design + Invent
July 7, 2021

One of the things we learned from this pandemic is the fact that many workplaces can, in fact, transition to working from home. In fact, recent studies show that this... Read More

Mako Design + Invent
July 7, 2021
Hyundai Acquires The World-Renown Robotics Design Company Boston Dynamics

Hyundai Acquires The World-Renown Robotics Design Company Boston Dynamics

Mako Design + Invent
July 6, 2021

Robotics and automobiles. Bet you didn’t see that coming. In June, Hyundai announced they acquired a controlling stake in the world-renown robotics product design company Boston Dynamics from the Softbank... Read More

Mako Design + Invent
July 6, 2021
Fourth of July 2021: Recognizing Some of the Greatest American Inventors

Fourth of July 2021: Recognizing Some of the Greatest American Inventors

Mako Design + Invent
July 2, 2021

Fourth of July is coming up this weekend! As most of you know, Independence Day was a defining moment in our history. So we’re celebrating by recognizing some of the... Read More

Mako Design + Invent
July 2, 2021
Canada Day 2021: Recognizing Some of the Greatest Canadian Inventors

Canada Day 2021: Recognizing Some of the Greatest Canadian Inventors

Mako Design + Invent
June 28, 2021

Oh, Canada! July 1st is Canada Day! Today, we’re honoring Canadian invention makers from far and wide. Indeed, Canada has a rich history of inventions and inventors that changed the... Read More

Mako Design + Invent
June 28, 2021
Kickstarter Best Practices: Tips from Our Most Successful Clients

Kickstarter Best Practices: Tips from Our Most Successful Clients

Mako Design + Invent
June 24, 2021

A few weeks ago, we talked about the core differences between Kickstarter and Indiegogo. With funding being an important aspect of your business, we shared how inventors and startups could... Read More

Mako Design + Invent
June 24, 2021
mumbak: Designed and Engineered by Mako Design

mumbak: Designed and Engineered by Mako Design

Mako Design + Invent
June 23, 2021

About 80% of Americans will experience back pain in their lives. It all comes down to the spine, more specifically, the part in the lower back area called the lumbar... Read More

Mako Design + Invent
June 23, 2021
The Blazing Beard Tool: Designed and Engineered by Mako Design

The Blazing Beard Tool: Designed and Engineered by Mako Design

Mako Design + Invent
June 22, 2021

With all this extra time alone, we’ve been able to experiment. I guess you could say that’s one of the few positive things that came out of social distancing and... Read More

Mako Design + Invent
June 22, 2021