Blog Type: Product Design & Development | MAKO Design + Invent

BLOG CATEGORY: Product Design & Development

Indiegogo Best Practices: Tips from MAKO’s Previous Clients

Indiegogo Best Practices: Tips from MAKO’s Previous Clients

Mako Design + Invent
June 21, 2021

Just like the Kickstarter blog of some of the best practices to set yourself apart from other campaigns, here’s the Indiegogo equivalent. What’s the main difference between using Indiegogo versus... Read More

Mako Design + Invent
June 21, 2021
The Value Proposition Canvas

The Value Proposition Canvas

Mako Design + Invent
June 18, 2021

“Can’t live with them, can’t live without them.” It’s how we define most, if not all, relationships that mean the most to us. You can’t have pleasure without pain. It... Read More

Mako Design + Invent
June 18, 2021
We Were Nominated as a Top Industrial Design Podcast by Welp Magazine!

We Were Nominated as a Top Industrial Design Podcast by Welp Magazine!

Mako Design + Invent
June 17, 2021

When our boss Kevin isn’t busy presenting entrepreneurial keynotes on the main stage, writing for Forbes, spearheading community-building events with Hollywood movie stars, participating in earth-shattering collabs, teaching at one... Read More

Mako Design + Invent
June 17, 2021
InsideEVs, One of the Biggest International Electric Vehicle Communities in the World Review our client’s CNCT

InsideEVs, One of the Biggest International Electric Vehicle Communities in the World Review our client’s CNCT

Mako Design + Invent
June 11, 2021

It’s the perfect summer companion. It recently won a Muse award for outstanding design. Now, it’s getting tons of love from high-profile reviewers from around the world. It’s our client,... Read More

Mako Design + Invent
June 11, 2021
Kevin Mako Featured on the WBSRocks Podcast to Share How to Grow Your Business and Mitigate Financial Risks

Kevin Mako Featured on the WBSRocks Podcast to Share How to Grow Your Business and Mitigate Financial Risks

Mako Design + Invent
June 10, 2021

“Either you did it or didn’t do it.” Sounds like Yoda, but these are the words of Sam Gupta; he’s twice as wise as you’ll soon find out on his... Read More

Mako Design + Invent
June 10, 2021
LGBTQ Inventors and Innovators

LGBTQ Inventors and Innovators

Mako Design + Invent
June 9, 2021

It’s Pride Month! To celebrate, we want to recognize LGBTQ invention makers and innovators who, against all odds, made the world a better place for all of us. The joy... Read More

Mako Design + Invent
June 9, 2021
Kevin Mako Invites Former Target VP, West Stringfellow, on The Product Startup Podcast

Kevin Mako Invites Former Target VP, West Stringfellow, on The Product Startup Podcast

Mako Design + Invent
June 3, 2021

The customer. They’re always right. They’re right because they vote with their wallet. It’s brutally simple – they either like what you’re offering or they don’t. As with any vote,... Read More

Mako Design + Invent
June 3, 2021
2021 Summer Products Invented By MAKO Clients

2021 Summer Products Invented By MAKO Clients

Mako Design + Invent
June 2, 2021

More sweat, fewer masks… is what we hope to see as more and more of us get vaccinated and get back to normal this summer. And here are the best... Read More

Mako Design + Invent
June 2, 2021