Blog Type: Product Design & Development | MAKO Design + Invent

BLOG CATEGORY: Product Design & Development

April Fools! Check Out These Unnecessary Inventions to Prank Your Friends!

April Fools! Check Out These Unnecessary Inventions to Prank Your Friends!

Mako Design + Invent
March 31, 2021

Heads up, it’s April Fools tomorrow! The one day where you can’t trust anyone or anything. But want to know how to play a great prank on an invention maker?... Read More

Mako Design + Invent
March 31, 2021
Tips to Nail an Industrial Design Interview

Tips to Nail an Industrial Design Interview

Mako Design + Invent
March 23, 2021

You’ve nailed that one-page resume. You filled out the application. You click submit. A few days later, you get an email notification and Eureka! Congratulations, you’ve landed an interview. But... Read More

Mako Design + Invent
March 23, 2021
Real-World Applications of Upcoming Augmented Reality Technologies

Real-World Applications of Upcoming Augmented Reality Technologies

Mako Design + Invent
March 18, 2021

Whether it’s in AI, IoT, or automation, there are plenty of unrealized ideas for invention makers. Among this list is the often overlooked but never forgotten technology called augmented reality... Read More

Mako Design + Invent
March 18, 2021
SOLIDWORKS Praises MAKO Design + Invent for Product Development Achievements

SOLIDWORKS Praises MAKO Design + Invent for Product Development Achievements

Mako Design + Invent
March 8, 2021

What comes to mind when you hear the word smartphone? Probably an iPhone. When graphic designers think of design tools, they think of Photoshop. When product designers think of the... Read More

Mako Design + Invent
March 8, 2021
2 Things You Need to Know to Create 1 Great Invention Idea

2 Things You Need to Know to Create 1 Great Invention Idea

Mako Design + Invent
February 16, 2021

Want to come up with an invention but can’t think of a new idea? When it comes to product ideas, a common misconception is that a good idea is synonymous... Read More

Mako Design + Invent
February 16, 2021
Beyond the Idea: Key Elements to Successful Startups

Beyond the Idea: Key Elements to Successful Startups

Mako Design + Invent
February 11, 2021

Thanks to the popularity of DIY YouTube videos, step-by-step blogs and digital workshops, there’s plenty of online business help for inventors and startups to take their first step in product... Read More

Mako Design + Invent
February 11, 2021
Introducing the Brand-New MAKO Design + Invent Website

Introducing the Brand-New MAKO Design + Invent Website

Mako Design + Invent
February 8, 2021

What better way to start the new year than with a brand-new website? As the first Canadian product design services firm tailored to small business clients, we wanted to simplify... Read More

Mako Design + Invent
February 8, 2021
MAKO Design + Invent’s Top Tips to Step Into the New Year As a Successful Entrepreneur

MAKO Design + Invent’s Top Tips to Step Into the New Year As a Successful Entrepreneur

Mako Design + Invent
December 30, 2020

Everyone has a list of New Year’s resolutions that they hope to accomplish. If you’ve been sitting on the idea of becoming a powerful and successful entrepreneur, our Florida invention... Read More

Mako Design + Invent
December 30, 2020