Blog Type: Product Design & Development | MAKO Design + Invent

BLOG CATEGORY: Product Design & Development

Five Things to Avoid When Inventing

Five Things to Avoid When Inventing

Mako Design + Invent
July 25, 2019

As a first-time inventor or startup founder, it can be daunting to identify the best steps to take when figuring out how to invent something to bring your idea to... Read More

Mako Design + Invent
July 25, 2019
The Evolution of Coffee Machines

The Evolution of Coffee Machines

Mako Design + Invent
July 16, 2019

Where would we be without coffee? Coffee has existed for centuries, and its popularity as a morning pick-me-up has never really dwindled. It is the most common and consumed drink... Read More

Mako Design + Invent
July 16, 2019
Best Innovations in Gardening Tools

Best Innovations in Gardening Tools

Mako Design + Invent
July 11, 2019

The Top Gardening Innovations Gardening has always been a popular hobby that most people pick up just when the season is right, and as it is currently summer, there is... Read More

Mako Design + Invent
July 11, 2019
What is Innovation? – What it Means to Innovate

What is Innovation? – What it Means to Innovate

Mako Design + Invent
July 10, 2019

Innovation is a term we use here a lot at MAKO. Not only that, but innovation is a term you’ll see sprawled out almost everywhere in the tech and design... Read More

Mako Design + Invent
July 10, 2019
Everything You Need to Know About PCBs for Your Product Design

Everything You Need to Know About PCBs for Your Product Design

Mako Design + Invent
July 9, 2019

Not every inventor who steps into industrial and product development has a robust background in engineering and design. Many inventors need help improving their understanding not only of the design... Read More

Mako Design + Invent
July 9, 2019
What the History of Video Game Development Can Teach Us About Innovation

What the History of Video Game Development Can Teach Us About Innovation

Mako Design + Invent
July 8, 2019

As a product development firm, we are huge fans of innovation and change within different industries. Any type of major switch is extremely fascinating to us and keeps us thinking... Read More

Mako Design + Invent
July 8, 2019
Your Product Idea Already Exists, Now What?

Your Product Idea Already Exists, Now What?

Mako Design + Invent
July 4, 2019

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you thought you had come across a stroke of genius and conceptualized the most original idea for an invention that no... Read More

Mako Design + Invent
July 4, 2019
Kevin Mako Featured on The Small Business Radio Show!

Kevin Mako Featured on The Small Business Radio Show!

Mako Design + Invent
July 3, 2019

Not so long ago, our president and founder of Mako, Kevin Mako, guest appeared for a segment on The Small Business Radio Show with Barry Moltz! We encourage all those interested... Read More

Mako Design + Invent
July 3, 2019