Blog Type: Product Design & Development | MAKO Design + Invent

BLOG CATEGORY: Product Design & Development

How to Get Started on Your Prototype Design

How to Get Started on Your Prototype Design

Mako Design + Invent
July 19, 2017

At MAKO Design we as a prototype design company get to work within a variety of different industries on prototypes and products in all stages of development. It’s always thrilling... Read More

Mako Design + Invent
July 19, 2017
The Importance of User Experience to a Great IoT Design Firm

The Importance of User Experience to a Great IoT Design Firm

Mako Design + Invent
July 14, 2017

Like the digital landscapes we spend a lot of our time in, product design has also started to pay closer attention to user experience. Especially when it comes to IoT... Read More

Mako Design + Invent
July 14, 2017
When Nature Meets Mechanical Engineering

When Nature Meets Mechanical Engineering

Mako Design + Invent
June 28, 2017

Our mechanical engineering firm at MAKO Design works on so many different types of products. Some of the most interesting ones come from ideas that find their inspiration in the... Read More

Mako Design + Invent
June 28, 2017
3 Sci-Fi Classics That Predicted IoT Design

3 Sci-Fi Classics That Predicted IoT Design

Mako Design + Invent
June 6, 2017

One of the most thrilling industries we at MAKO Invent have experience with is IoT design. IoT products in particular prove just how powerful a creative idea can be, especially... Read More

Mako Design + Invent
June 6, 2017
Engineering Feats of the 21st Century

Engineering Feats of the 21st Century

Mako Design + Invent
February 24, 2017

Today marks the end of 2017’s National Engineering Week. As an engineering design firm that works on developing products every day, we want to extend our appreciation to our team... Read More

Mako Design + Invent
February 24, 2017
Google Blog Highlights MAKO as an Exceptional Lean Growth Start Up

Google Blog Highlights MAKO as an Exceptional Lean Growth Start Up

Mako Design + Invent
September 18, 2016

Every hour of every day, multiple people at our mechanical design firm are using Google’s applications to serve our clients in the best possible way. It’s not every day however,... Read More

Mako Design + Invent
September 18, 2016